
shhhh....this is my secret blog. you probably don't want to read this blog. i decided to make this blog to talk about the yucky things that happen to me, or that go through my mind, that I just can't share with other people.

Monday, March 13, 2006

hot shit..

...let me tell you, i don't know what I ate last night, but oooh, did it hurt.
sometimes, when i eat something my body doesn't like, it rejects it, as anyones does.
mine seems to have a special talent. when i was in mexico, i ate a pasta dish with cooked shrimp, something i normally avoid. at about 3am that night, i woke up, got the sweats, and knew what was happening. Went to the bathroom, threw up, and, wouldn't you know it, it was just the shrimp. Everything else stayed down. My body is usually good that way.
Last night at about 11, i got the same feeling, only coupled with that feeling you get when you have a lot of gas that just won't work its way down so you can release it, you know?
so, i went to be near the bathroom, but nothing wanted to come up.
so, i sat back down, and the ol tum tum started a gurgling.
then, suddenly, i thought i was gonna crap my pants.
ran to the bathroom to unload some really lovely stuff from the back end, some solid, most not!
great. feel better? not, really, but, a, bit.
10 minutes later, go again. more squirt, less solid.
ok, i'm good.
nope, 15 minutes later, again. this time i just sat on the terlet and played gameboy, cuz i knew it would keep coming. and did it ever. I finally felt there couldn't be anything left, and went back to watch the tube. then to bed. and would'nt you know it, after being in bed 20 minutes, a little more wanted to force its way out.
and oh how the tum tum was a rumbling and gurgling till i fell asleep.
i stayed home today.
the feces are much more solid, but the ass is on fire
damn trader joe's indian cuisine